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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hopnotist - Parallel 49 Brewing Company

So went to Vancouver about 3 weeks ago and being a beer nut I am, I had to visit at least one brewery and after lots of research, Parallel 49 was the destination.

I really knew very little about this brewery and nothing about their beers other than it's one of the oldest craft brewery in Vancouver and has a pretty large following by the locals.

BA Score: 92

Brewed by: 
Parallel 49 Brewing Company visit their website
British ColumbiaCanada

Style | ABV 
American Double / Imperial IPA |  8.50% ABV 

Availability: Limited (brewed once)

Notes/Commercial Description: 
Parallel 49's first anniversary ale. Single hopped double IPA brewed exclusively with Mosaic hops. 

86 IBU

Review: Absolutely blown my mind away. Definitely top 5 IPAs I have had and believe me, I had a shit load of IPA since I started drinking craft beer. Pours in a slightly hazy medium copper amber color with 2 fingers of puffy bubbly head. 

It smells of dank (natch!) wet forest petrichor, musty orange and grapefruit citrus flesh, hints of mint-tinged wintergreen, bready caramel malt, white chalk, lesser generic tropical fruit notes, and further leafy, floral, and certainly perfumed hops. Extremely drinkable for a 8.5% IPA. I had 2! 

The carbonation is fairly low-key in its meek frothiness, but generally supportive all the same, the body a stoic medium-heavy weight, and way more smooth than I would have opined at initial hop contact. It finishes off-dry, the bready caramel malt calling time, yet sort of futilely, as those hovering Mosaic hop esters just won't go the fuck to sleep.

Another immensely enjoyable and well-rendered single-hop IPA (oh, right, a DIPA), all from the good graces of a single hop strain. These sorts of affairs are getting more and more rounded and drinkable since one of those (in)famous Danish twins carried out their broad IPA experiment a few years back. So, we now lay in the afterglow of that, and, I gotta say, the layin' is certainly swell.

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