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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kigen Kawaba Sunrise Ale

Denen Plaza Kawaba Brewery, Gunma, Japan: (it's in Japanese)

Description: Since I cannot read Japanese, I am not able to give you the description of this beer from its brewery.

It is not rated on the website.

My take: This is mostly likely a red/brown Ale based on the color and its malty smell/taste with a medium body. Brown Ale is not one of my favorite beers so just based on personal preference alone, I am already a little biased. I was able to get my hand on this Japanese craft brew beer from the restaurant/bar I invested in when the manager told me he got a few samples and if I like to take them home to try. It pours in a reddish/dark brown color with a small head of foam. You can smell and taste the malty center, but it falls very flat right after. I let the beer sit for a little bit which did help the flavor to linger slightly longer. I took a few more sip and I can definitely pick up a hint of coffee and biscuit notes in the back end. My impression overall is that it's malty but lacks depth. I had Firestone DBA and even though brown Ale isn't my thing, I thought it had a lot of more complexity which at least made me want to keep drinking. This one just seems to fall short and flat for my taste bud. 

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